Wednesday, May 23, 2012

[Geek] When Hot Toys literally releases hot toys: Thor and Loki of Marvel's "The Avengers"

Wait, I'm not done with my "Avengers" obsession phase yet, even if the hype has died down and dwindled as people make way for other summer blockbusters. xD Such periods of dire fondness for a fandom is something a geek isn't a stranger to; in fact, in a geek's life, it happens nearly everyday (for better and for worse, believe you me).

So when I saw photos shared by friends linked to the Hot Toys' Facebook fan page, and with the full glory of the Loki 1/6 scale figurine adorning their timeline, I immediately had to know more details about that particular figurine (hey, it's LOKI! #Loki'sArmy xD) and others in "The Avengers" line.

I checked out more photos from (and I'd like to stress that the photos I'd be posting here will all be from their web site, so the photo credits go to them. :) ).

And boy, was I BLOWN AWAY.

Even as the photos only showed the prototypes, and the official releases may still slightly differ, I can't help but ADMIRE the painstaking detail lavished unto each figurine, especially the paint details of the face. Each pose, each angle of the collectible showed a masterpiece waiting to be displayed proudly in a toy collector's haven/shelf/home museum. Even at first glance, the lifelike details can't be missed, and their likeness to the actors that played them in the films were uncannily very identical.

Well, then, let's look at the photos, starting with Loki, God of Mischief, in the likeness of  (spellbinding) actor Tom Hiddleston:

one word: CHEEKBONES. hell yeah cheekbones.

I was never really a fan of Loki's costume (it's the helmet, making him look goat-ish sometimes!! D:) UNTIL there were enough photos on the web which showcased Tom Hiddleston in costume (read: ridiculously photogenic Loki meme) and I slowly found myself appreciating the blend of fabrics and textures. The collectible is no different. Textures, fabric, how they photograph very nicely--it's all in the package.

These collectibles were made not only to be displayed but, perhaps, to be photographed in different poses using different accessories that come with the figurine. LOKI HAS A LOT. Just look. LOOK. They even included that freaky muzzle and shackles which he wore towards the end of the film.

The collectible itself is highly pose-able. It's like a tiny human being in itself and it's almost scary. Here are more photos:

The Loki collectible figurine stands at about 32 cm tall with over 30 points of articulation (meaning those joint things you can move to achieve real-life body poses). I was dazed to realize that the collectible is a LIMITED EDITION one, so I'm pretty sure by the time it's released to the market on December 2012, stocks will fly off shelves in no time..... and I'm close enough in becoming one of them (even with a HEFTY SRP of $219.99!! *mini heart attack*)

More photos and details on the figurine itself can be found HERE.

So, that's for the God of Mischief. Now moving on to his brother: Thor, God of Thunder, played by the smexChris Hemsworth:

Hammer time!

Just like the Loki figurine, the Thor one spares no detail. The fabrics used, the textures, the sculpt of the hair, beard, and facial features, with Mjolnir (the hammer has a name, yes) at his side... Odin himself would be quite intrigued ("My son, the mortals hath forged sculptures in thy likeness. Interesting realm, this Midgard.").

Not a lot of accessories come with Thor (though the Tesseract container and its crafted detail is something to consider), but I forgot to mention that the this and the Loki figurine come with stands bearing the film logo. These beauties are indeed for display. The actors who played Loki and Thor are about the same height, so their collectible versions are also about the same height: 32 cm, and Thor's also has more than 30 points of articulation.



And then you thought that Asgardians would be flawless and immortal and as splendid as the gods of lore... yes there are pores, and traces of wrinkles, redness, and the facial hair--so much like what Chris Hemsworth may look like had you watched the film (or "Thor") in HDTV. xD

And just to compare the two side by side (sort of), here is Loki's marvelous mugshot:

"I stole my brother's skincare regimen and got the best from it"

Pores are still there, but finer. AND THE EYES BY ODIN'S BEARD THE EYES. Kudos to the artists (shown in the figurines' respective pages in Youbentmywookie (the site hath a peculiar name, doth it not?) who really captured the characters'/actors' perfections and imperfections. The Thor collectible figurine retails at $199.99. Perhaps it is due to less loose parts and accessories as compared to the Loki figurine.

Both figurines are still for pre-order and will be released to the market in the 4th quarter of this year. More details on the Thor collectible figurine can be found HERE. He is also LIMITED EDITION (aaccckkkk).

The other characters whose prototypes have been released are: Captain America, Nick Fury, and Hawkeye.

Just a little note: I have not been paid or compensated by Hot Toys to make some oggling observations of Thor and Loki from their 1:6 scale line. ^^; I just wanted to share the good stuff to you guys, and who knows, any of you may be falling in line soon to receive the collectibles when they come out, most likely, on December 2012.

So... purchased any action figures lately? ^^ I do know some girls who do. They unleash their inner boy-geek and toy stores instantly become what makeup stores are during their girly days. xD

Hey, girls have the right to collect and display toys of favorite superheroes and action figures as anyone! ^_^

